A target also selected by Walt Cooney the same night I picked it. He left this one to me. I came up with a good solution as shown and then later was contacted by Pedro Sada MPC Code 720 (Universidad de Monterrey) Observatory in Monterrey, Mexico, saying he had gone after this one after I had finished and would like to combine our data and do a paper. So he is doing that with it. He may benefit from including Walt Cooney's data too.
The final report from Pedro Valdés Sada 720 Universidad de Monterrey
Sorry to have taken some time, but I just got to the point of including Walt's data and using my FTS program to get the resulting lightcurve for Katja. The result so far (18.465 +- 0.010 hours; and I do not think it will change much) is not too far from my preliminary guess (18.48 +- 0.02 hrs). I had to take some points from Walt's data away when I realized that they were bad because of a blending of the asteroid with a star. The period came out clean from the routines and no aliases or fractional/multiple periods from the resulting one show enough power in the periodogram to worry about. Walt's symbols (X) are drawn in with thick lines in the lightcurve.
