This minor planet was discovered March 21, 1893 by A. Charlois at Nice. It was named by the orbit computer Prof. G. Boccardi to honor the Italian astronomer Vincenzo Cerulli (1859-1927). Boccardi worked for many years in the private observatory of Cerulli in Teramo. With H = 8.5, this asteroid is probably 50 -120 Km in diameter. Eight different sessions were conducted on this object, but only data from five nights were useful. A total of 246 observations were acquired on September 22, October 17, 19 and November 5 and 10, 2001, providing complete coverage of the light curve. The period of (366) Vincentina was found to be 15.5h +/-0.1h and the amplitude 0.11m +/-0.03m. Published in Minor Planet Bulletin Volume 29, Number 2, A.D. 2002 April-June. |