According to A. Harris, March 1, 2001, 151 Abundantia is an S class asteroid with a diameter of 45.37km and H = 9.24 .1728 and albiedo of 0.03. There has been no light curve published although Shevchenko did some work in 1992 coiming up with the albeido measurement.
Six nights of data were collected:
Feb 16, 2002 - 68 observations covering 5 hours
Feb.17, 2002 - 111 observations covering 8 hours
Feb. 21, 2002 - 40 observations covering 3.75 hours
Feb. 22, 2002 - 46 observations covering 4 hours
Mar. 5, 2002 - 68 observations covering 5 hours
Mar. 10, 2002 - 71 observations covering 5.2 hours