From my observing site, through my second floor office window, the Moon was very bright, just two days past
full. Clouds occasionally obscured the view, but at the critical
moments of disappearance and reappearance, the clouds gave way.
In my little C90 telescope Saturn appeared as a tiny oval
next to the huge lunar globe, having only a hundredth the Moon's
apparent diameter. Moreover Saturn's surface brightness is much
dimmer since the planet is far from the Sun, where sunlight shines
not nearly as brightly as it does on
the Moon. (Saturn's clouds reflect light four times better than the
lunar soil, but this isn't nearly enough to make up the difference.)
Even so, my little C90 easily revealed Saturn in the Moon's glare.
The Moon's bright edge appeared to creep up to the planet and
gradually cover it.
After Saturn reappeared dawn started to break and I watched Saturn
move away from the Moon.
I watched until Saturn was about a half a Moon's diameter away
in the brightening sky.
Small as it may appear, Saturn is large enough that the Moon took
up to a minute or more to cover it completely. The planet later
reappeared from behind the narrow, dark portion of the Moon's disk.
The reappearance was more dramatic, because Saturn was easier to watch
when it was a little removed from the glary lunar landscape.
The reappearance also took the better part of a minute. During this
time I held
my Olympus 200DL digital camera up to the eyepiece
of the C90 and snapped
about twenty pictures getting about five good shots, a few of which
are shown here.

Loyd Overcash, with the Fort Bend, Texas Astronomy Club shot a continuous
video of the event and saved a frame from it which is posted on the
Fort Bend Astro Society's web page. Here is a copy of that frame. This
is a much higher magnification and I'm not sure of the orientation or
whether this was before or after occultation.
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PS:That's "Moonlight Sonata" playing as background music if you can hear it.